КИМ_английский 8 класс

В1 Базовый уровень
Ты услышишь рассказ о том , как девушка занимает свое свободное время. Определи,
какое из утверждений 1 - 5 соответствует содержанию текста (True), не
соответствует (False) и о чем не сказано (Not stated). Цифру выбранного ответа
отметь кружком.
1. American and British teenagers often have a job to help parents.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
2. Children in Russia also work in their free time.
l)True 2) False 3) Not stated
3. Betty does baby- sitting once a week.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
4. She doesn't like her job.
1)True 2) False 3) Not stated
5. Mrs. Smith is a colleague of Betty's father.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
В2 Базовый уровень
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-5 частями предложений А - F. Одна из
частей в списке А - F лишняя. Перенеси ответы в таблицу.

A Funny Story
For his expedition to the South Pole, Captain Robert Scott 1 . He was not a rich
man himself, so he had to find people who could give him the money.
First Scott spoke to David Lloyd George, who was at that time an important member
of the British Government. The Captain thought that he could get money from the
Government. Lloyd George was not a kind man and many people 2 .
In answer Lloyd George said that the Government could give him
only a 3 that he needed for the expedition. Then he gave Captain Scott the address of
a very rich man who was interested in Arctic expeditions, and advised 1 him to ask that
man to help him with money.
Scott went to that rich man and explained what he wanted.
4 the rich man asked.
When Scott said that it was Lloyd George, the rich man laughed. Then he said:
"I can give you fifty thousand pounds 2 , if Lloyd George goes with your expedition to
the South Pole. And if you leave him there, I shall give you 5 "

advise- советовать;


фунт (денежная единица)

A. in England did not like him.

small part of the money
needed a lot of money.
the expedition started in autumn,
another fifty thousand pounds.
"Who sent you here to me?"





Углубленный уровень
Прочитай текст. В заданиях А1 – А5 обведи кружком цифру выбранного варианта

The Press in Great Britain
In Britain newspapers differ greatly from each other in the type of news they report and the
way they report it.
On the one hand, there are "quality" newspapers: The Times, The Financial Times, The Daily
Telegraph. These papers report major national and international news stories, the world of
politics and business, the arts and sport.
On the other hand, there are "populars" or "tabloids", so called because of their small size.
Popular papers ( The Daily Express, The Sun, The Daily Star) pay much attention to sensational
news, extraordinary events, catastrophes, accidents, private lives of aristocracy, of people of art,
of music and movie1 stars.
Popular papers use many photographs and cartoons2. It is often said that the popular press
entertains3 its readers, but not informs them. The tabloid press is far more popular than the
quality press.
In addition to 12 national daily newspapers there are 9 national papers which are published
on Sundays. Most of the Sundays papers contain more reading material than the daily papers.
Reading a Sunday paper, like having a big Sunday lunch, is an important tradition in many
British families.
Nearly every area4 in Britain has one or more local5 newspapers. Local newspapers report
local news and advertise local business and events.
The offices of most papers are situated in Fleet Street in the City of London, which is the
centre of British journalism. British papers are bought and read not only in the United Kingdom,
but also in many other countries.
2cartoon - зд. карикатура;
- кино(фильм);
3to entertain - развлекать; 4area - зд. область; 5local - местный


A1. Broadsheets and "populars" differ in the quality of
1) paper;
2) printing
3) information.
А2 . The British can learn news from Russia
1) in kiosks;
2) from The Times;
3) in the neighbourhood.
А3. When reading a tabloid one can enjoy
1) nice souvenirs;
2) funny pictures;
3) some feelings.

National newspapers are

1) only daily;
2) both daily and weekly;
3) both daily and monthly.
А5. Fleet Street is
1) the headquarter of British press;
2) an elite shopping centre;
3) a popular entertainment area.
Грамматика-лексика (базовый уровень)
Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце
строк, обозначенных номерами В3-В9 так, чтобы они соответствовали содержанию текста.
Заполните пропуски получившимися словами.

Говорение. Базовый уровень
Через 1,5 минуты расскажите о Людях, которые нас окружают. Придерживайтесь
следующего плана ответа
Give a 1,5 talk about people around us. Remember to say:

If your parents are the dearest people to you. Why?
If you have any family traditions
How you feel at school; describe your relations with classmates and teachers

С 1 Письмо. Углубленный уровень
У вас 30 минут на выполнение этого задания
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Ben.
…We’ve moved house and now I have to go to a new school. It’s a pity because I liked my old
school and I had a lot of friends there. Now I feel a bit lonely but I hope to find some friends here
…What do you like most about your school? Have you got a lot of friends at school? What do
you usually do with your school friends in your free time? …
Напишите ему письмо и ответьте на его 3 вопроса
Напишите 90–110 слов. Помните правила написания письма


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