КИМ_английский 5 класс

Контрольно- измерительные материалы для проведения промежуточной аттестации
в 5 классе
Вариант 1Form 5
Раздел 1: Аудирование
Задание 1
Прослушай 5 мини-диалогов и выбери подходящую картинку. Ты услышишь запись
диалога два раза.

Раздел 2:Чтение
Задание 2
Прочитай текст.
Jane doesn’t like shopping
At the weekend, Jane’s mother said, ‘I want to go shopping. Can you help me, Jane?’ ‘Yes,’ she said.
Jane and her mother caught a bus to the town. Jane’s mother carried one bag and Jane carried another.
The bus stopped outside a big supermarket and they went inside. Jane wasn’t very happy. She thinks
shopping is boring.
Inside the shop, Jane’s mother picked up fruit and bread but she couldn’t find any rice but Jane found
some below the pasta. Her mum was pleased. ‘Clever girl!’ she said. Then Jane’s mother wanted a bottle
of lemonade. Jane went to look. The bottles were in a difficult place but Jane climbed on a big box and
took one. When she jumped down again, she hurt her leg and started to cry.
Jane’s mother bought Jane a pink ice cream. She sat down and ate it. She stopped crying but her leg hurt
and she could only walk very slowly on it. Jane’s mother phoned home and Jane’s father came to the
supermarket to drive them home. When they got back, Jane’s mother said, ‘Oh dear! I can’t take you
shopping again!’
Jane smiled when she said that!

Заполни пропуски словами из текста. Используй не более трех слов в каждом
Jane and her mum went shopping ______at the weekend_______.
1. Jane carried a _____________ for her mum.
2. They went shopping in the big ______________.
3. Jane doesn’t like shopping because she thinks it’s_____________________.
4. __________________ found the fruit and bread in the shop.
5. The rice was under_______________.
6. Jane climbed on a box to get a _________________.
7. Jane started ________________ because she hurt her leg when she jumped down.
8. Jane’s mother gave Jane a _______________.
9. Jane could not ___________ quickly because her leg hurt.
10. _______________ took them home again in the car.

Раздел 3: Языковые навыки. Письмо
Задание 3: Притяжательные местоимения
Прочитай каждое предложение. Выбери правильный вариант из трех выделенных
курсивом слов и выпиши его.
Пример: The girls are beautiful. Are they your / my / yours sisters?
1. John is twelve and he’s / his / their sister is fourteen.
2. Mr and MrsJohnes are teachers and his / there / their children are students.
3. My brother and I live in the city, but his / my / our parents live in the country.
4. My sister is married. She’s / Her / Hers husband is thirty-two.

Задание4: Present Simple. Present Continuous
Пример: It ____is____ (be) cold and windy today!
1. My friend and I __________ (have lunch) with Maria every Tuesday.
2. We ________ (wear) shorts today because it´s sunny.
3. ‘What ________ (you/do) on holiday?’ – ‘Well, I go swimming.
4. He doesn’t need the umbrella. It ________ (not/rain) at the moment.


Задание 5: Наречия частотности
Прочитай каждое предложение. Выбери правильный вариант из двух выделенных
курсивом слов и выпиши его.
Пример:It never / often rains in England.
1. I am quite fit because I never / often play sport.
2. Russians wear heavy coats in the winter because it is never / usually cold.
3. Swiss watches sometimes / never cost a lot of money.
4. My English teacher is very strict, so we always / sometimes do our homework.

Задание 6 PastSimple
Прочитай каждое предложение.
грамматическом времениPastSimple.






Пример: He __ate____ (eat) his sandwich.
1. She ______ (close) the window because it was cold in the room.
2. Philip_______ (read) eight books in his last summer holiday.
3. Sherlock Holmes ______ (not/live) in New York, he lived in London.
4. ________ (you / feed) thedog?

Задание 7: Степени сравнения прилагательных
Составьте предложения, используя данные слова, а также сравнительную или
превосходную степени прилагательных.
Пример: 1.a cobra / a scorpion / dangerous ___A cobra is more dangerous than a scorpion.___
2. a cheetah / fast / animal ____A cheetah is the fastest animal.__
1. Geography / Maths / easy
2. I / my brother / hard-working
3. Everest / high / mountain
4. Daniel Radcliffe / handsome / Hollywood actor

Задание 8: Places in a town / city
Подбери слово к его описанию из приведенного ниже списка. В списке есть два
лишних слова.
a park
a supermarket a library
a stadium
a cinema
a bridge
a museum
a beach
Пример: You go there to choose books.
_________a library_________
1. You go there to swim and lie in the sun.
2. You can go and see a film there.
3. People can buy all kinds of food in this shop.
4. You can find this green place in a town. People enjoy sitting, walking or playing games there.
5. It is over a river. You use it to cross from one side to the other.

Задание 9:
You have received a letter from your English–speaking pen friend Ben.
…I’ve found that almost everyone in my class have a lot of friends. Who are your best friends?
Where are they from? How old are they? What do you usually do when you’re together? What
did you do together last week?
Write him a letter and answer his questions.
Write 60 – 100 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


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